


motivation of the personnel, quality of work, compensation, material incentives, non-material incentives


The article deals with the issues of international personnel motivation systems and the possibility of using this experience for Ukrainian enterprises. Motivational systems are closely related to the management of the staff. New economic relations generated by the transition period, also put forward new requirements for personnel. It is not only the selection, training and placement of personnel, but also the formation of a new consciousness, mentality, and, consequently, methods of motivation. In general, the motivational systems for employing the labor potential of the enterprise are a set of motives that are inherent to employees as a result of the influence of a set of influences, which are in turn elements of the motivational complex, which must ensure the achievement of the goals of the enterprise. The most difficult moment in today's conditions of a mixed economy for a company is the loss of skilled personnel. The maintenance of key employees has become an important task in managing the enterprise. However, the leaders of most Ukrainian enterprises focus on marketing, finance, production management rather than improving the staff motivation system. This is primarily due to the fact that managers mistakenly believe that there should be no problems with personnel motivation, as employees understand that thousands of those who are laid off are willing to work for less wages. The functioning of motivational systems depends on the positive impact of both internal and external factors on the enterprise. But in any case, the organization of the remuneration system should be based on the style of management, which involves the creation of flexible structures, methods of motivation in accordance with the development of technical, economic and social processes in society as a whole and in each enterprise in particular. Thus, the very fact of maintaining a workplace employee is seen as a motivation for better and more efficient work.


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Author Biographies

М. П. Денисенко, Kyiv national university of technology and design

doctor of science (economics), professor, professor of business economics and tourism department

Л. С. Мельник, College of arts and design of Kyiv national university of technologies and design



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Офіційний сайт Державної служби статистики. URL :

Офіційний сайт Міністерства фінансів України. URL :

Електронний журнал Forbes. URL :

Офіційний Сайт пошуку роботи. URL :



How to Cite

Денисенко, М. П., & Мельник, Л. С. (2019). THE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF MOTIVATION OF THE PERSONNEL IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN ECONOMY. Science Notes of KROK University, ((3) 55), 94–100.



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