



psychological competence of the teacher, components of the teacher's psychological competence, work with teenagers in conditions of war and crisis, trauma-informed pedagogy


Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the features of the teacher's psychological competence in working with teenagers during the war. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is revealed and described. It consists of scientific and applied research in the field of pedagogical and age psychology, social psychology, organizational psychology, management psychology, scientific works in the field of pedagogy and education management. The psychological approach to the study of the problem of the psychological competence of the teacher's personality included the conceptual provisions of classical theories of human personal development. An empirical study of the features of the teacher's psychological competence in working with teenagers during the war was conducted. The research served to achieve the following tasks: to investigate the impact of the war on the teacher's professional activity and his ability to effectively perform work and withstand various types of stress during professional activity; assess the difficulties that currently present in the teacher's work and determine the need for additional psychological knowledge and skills in working conditions during war and crisis; to determine the components of the teacher's psychological competence and additional psychological knowledge and skills necessary for effective work with teenagers in wartime conditions. The analysis of the results of the study made it possible to identify the acute need of teachers for special psychological knowledge and skills for working with teenagers in conditions of war and crisis, as well as for receiving support for themselves, which requires the appropriate development of the psychological competence of teachers.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Synhaivska, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology, Professor, Director of the institute of psychology, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Olena Glugovska, KROK University

Master's degree,

“KROK” University,



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How to Cite

Synhaivska, I., & Glugovska, O. (2024). FEATURES OF THE TEACHER’S PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPETENCE IN WORKING WITH TEENAGERS DURING THE WAR. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(76), 319–337. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2024-76-320-337

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