business reputation, economic security of the enterprise, methodology, risk, sustainable development, assessmentAbstract
In the modern competitive environment, business reputation is one of the key intangible assets of enterprises, which affects the trust of consumers, investors and partners. It provides economic security, contributes to sustainable development and the formation of competitive advantages. Given the importance of reputation, the need for effective methods for its assessment and management is growing. The article is aimed at systematizing methodological approaches to assessing the business reputation of enterprises, determining their impact on economic security and sustainable development, as well as developing recommendations for integrating these approaches into management practice. The study uses a mixed approach, which includes qualitative methods (expert assessments, case studies, interviews) and quantitative methods (surveys, regression analysis, statistical evaluation). Data triangulation was used to increase the reliability of the results. The main methodological approaches to assessing business reputation are identified: indicative, resource-functional, fuzzy-logical and expert. It is shown that the use of mixed methods of assessment allows to obtain a comprehensive picture of the relationship between reputation, economic security and sustainable development. It is confirmed that enterprises with a positive reputation have advantages in attracting capital, retaining customers and attracting highly qualified personnel. The integration of sustainable development into reputation management contributes to increasing its capital and strengthening the trust of stakeholders. Development of more accurate tools for quantitative assessment of reputation, taking into account the dynamic nature of the business environment. In-depth study of the relationship between reputation, digital technologies and environmental initiatives. This article provides valuable recommendations for enterprises that seek to effectively manage their reputation and ensure long-term economic stability.
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