


motivational sphere of personality, motivation for success, socio-psychological factors of motivation for success, professional competences, coaching, career coaching


As a result of the theoretical research, the main theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of motivation to personal success in the research of foreign and domestic scientists were analyzed. The problem of the influence of career coaching on the motivation to success of employees is considered. Professional motivation is heterogeneous, depends on many psychological and sociological factors, the relationship between which determines the system of value orientations of a person: in one's own prestige; in a high financial position; in creativity; in self-development; in achievements; in spiritual satisfaction; in the preserved individuality. The intensity of the development of professional motivation depends on the extent to which a person's value system correlates with the value system of the society to which the person belongs. Career counseling, a part of which is career coaching, as part of the function of the internal Personnel Service, the main task of which is to ensure the fulfillment of business goals with the help of the necessary number of qualified and motivated workforce, is a new way of increasing work motivation, which was not common before the format of internal work with personnel and was usually transferred outside the company and was considered, rather, not related to the tasks of the company, as a format of personal consulting. The issue of maintaining and even increasing the motivation of staff for success is relevant for all spheres of the economy, but urgent for the sphere of trade (retail), where professional personal communication with the buyer can be automated, but cannot be completely replaced. And accordingly, the formation, maintenance and increase of motivation for the success of a specific person through various psychological formats, in particular, the format of career coaching, is vital. So, in the light of all the above, an in-depth study of the essence and structure of the motivational sphere of the individual in general and motivation for success in business acquires an important theoretical and applied value Such a format of work as career counseling, namely career coaching, within the company by the personnel service, can increase the level of such motivation.


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Author Biographies

Olena Nykonenko, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department  of  Psychology, “KROK” University, Kyiv

Natalia Dankovich, “KROK” University

Мaster's degree in the specialty "Psychology", “KROK” University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Nykonenko, O., & Dankovich, N. (2024). THE EFFECT OF CAREER COACHING ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES’ SUCCESS MOTIVATION. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(75), 259–268.