management, economic security, security system, digital technologies, information and analytical support, enterprises, banking institutionsAbstract
The article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations and practical issues of managing the system of economic security of enterprises and banking institutions with the use of digital technologies of information and analytical support. The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the fact that at the present stage of digitalization, the processes of exchange of information, documentation and conducting direct financial transactions are carried out by enterprises and banking institutions in the digital information space, using client banking systems and mobile applications, software and cloud services, which carries new significant risks, threats and requires justification of means and comprehensive approach to the management of the system of economic security of enterprises and banking institutions with the use of digital technologies of information and analytical support. The aim of the article is to study the management of the system of economic security of enterprises and banking institutions with the use of digital technologies of information and analytical support. The methodological basis of the study is the methods of scientific cognition: analysis and synthesis, system approach, structural, process, adaptive, complex, functional scientific approaches. The obtained scientific results consist in substantiating the main blocks of management of the system of economic security of enterprises and banking institutions with the use of digital technologies of information and analytical support, which include: creation of the information infrastructure necessary to ensure the economic security of enterprises and banking institutions; provision of the necessary information resources; digitalization, automation of information collection and processing processes; information security software; use of large databases; ensuring the security of information constituting a trade secret; ensuring the security of outgoing information; creation of a positive social and information climate around enterprises, banking institutions, goods and services that they sell. Prospects for further research lie in the expediency of comprehensive consideration, study of the issues of management of the system of economic security of enterprises and banking institutions using digital technologies of information and analytical support in modern conditions of digitalization, digitalization of the external information market space, the need and feasibility of developing reliable, secure information communications in working with counterparties of the external environment, partners, consumers of goods and services, protection of information and financial transactions in the digital information space.
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