



displaced persons, marital couple communication, war as a factor of acute distress, communication problem


The article is dedicated to research of features and factors of origin of communicative problems in the pairs of forced migrants in the situation of war. The essence of problem of communication in a married couple as well as pre-conditions of origin of communicative problems are exposed and described. Short analysis of external and intrapersonal factors of origin of communicative problems in marriage relations in maintained both in general and in situations of acute distress, which is war, in particular. So, in general, external causes include: social-group incompatibility, role contradictions and contradictions between needs, values, motives and interests of partners. Intra-personal causes of communication problems include: psychological incompatibility, individual characteristics of partners and manifestation of their personal characteristics. A number of regularities have also been identified that indicate problems in the communication of spouses: conscious or unconscious struggle for the communication channel; paradoxical communication; incongruity; manipulation of the partner through communicative techniques; emergence of communication barriers; disguised communication. The external effects of war include the humanitarian crisis, the lack of a sense of security, and the loss of the usual social environment. Typical features of mental states of the individual caused by forced resettlement are given: disturbance of the affective sphere ("emotional numbness", withdrawal, depression, irritability, auto-aggression, inability to feel joy, guilt, shame); disorders and specific features of the cognitive sphere (deterioration of memory, thinking, concentration of attention, manifestations of inattention and forgetfulness, the appearance of insomnia and nightmares, frequent recall of traumatic events); behavioral disturbances (inconsistency, unpredictability of behavioral manifestations, excessive caution, fright and affectation as a reaction to minor stimuli). An empirical study of the impact of war and forced resettlement on marital relationships of displaced people in general and on communication in them in particular was conducted.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Synhaivska, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology, Professor, Director of the institute of psychology, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Nataliia Osaulenko, KROK University

Master's degree student, “KROK” University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Synhaivska, I., & Osaulenko, N. (2023). FEATURES COMMUNICATIONAL PROBLEMS IN MARRIAGE PARTNERSHIP OF FORCED MIGRANTS DURING THE WAR TIME. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(71), 125–134. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2022-71-125-134

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