


internal audit, quality management system, psychological aspect, psychological recommendations


The article reveals the psychological aspects of internal audit as a process of implementing a quality management system. The professional and personal qualities of the auditor during the internal audit are presented. The definition of audit as a process that should be one of the most important tools for assessing the functioning of the quality management system is given. The study of psychological aspects plays an important role both in establishing a favorable psychological climate at the enterprise, which leads to improved performance and to reducing emotional exhaustion, stress and anxiety by explaining why not only internal audit but also the quality management system is needed. Analyzing the problems of the psychology of ensuring and implementing the QMS at enterprises, the author considers socio-psychological (education and motivation); psychological (creating a psychological climate in the team, psychological impact by positive examples) factors. The author mentions specific methods used in internal audit: special observation of certain phenomena, processes and things; inspection; reviews; inquiries; oral or written confirmation of facts; analytical calculations; modeling of phenomena and processes; various types of analysis; study of abnormal situations; questionnaires; surveys, etc. The role of psychological methods of management, such as methods of professional selection and training, is defined. The effectiveness of an organization depends on how the staff behaves within the system in which it operates. Within the organization, the staff becomes involved and acts in a cohesive manner if there is a common understanding of the quality policy and the results that the organization wants to achieve. Employees can act independently, but within the rules and requirements set by their manager. The dominant sphere in such an organization is activity, with a focus on results.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Synhaivska, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology, Professor, Director of the institute of psychology, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Tetiana Lisnichenko, KROK University

Master's degree student, “KROK”University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Synhaivska, I., & Lisnichenko, T. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INTERNAL AUDIT AS A QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(69), 207–212.

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