
  • Oksana Kyrychenko «KROK» University



management technologies, technological management, management systems, scientific approaches to management, program-project approach, enterprise management, development


The article explores theoretical and methodological and practical aspects of development management with enterprises using modern management technologies. It was found that the complex use of modern methods, tools and the formation of modern management mechanisms makes it possible to switch the enterprise management system to a new, higher level of economic development, due to the accumulation of a significant number of significant systemic changes over a certain period of time, which, as a result, give a new quality of functioning of the existing economic system at the enterprise. It is proved that new management technologies are a set of innovative and organizational technologies aimed at ensuring the restructuring of the management and functioning of enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness and ensure future development, which can be carried out both in an evolutionary and revolutionary way. It is determined that the new modern technologies of management are such technologies as: engineering and reengineering of business processes, introduction of controlling technologies, grading technologies, borrowing and implementation of the best management tools and technologies using benchmarking.  The concept of technological management as a modern management technology, its manifestations and implementation are primarily associated with information communication technologies and the capabilities of modern information software, informatization and digitalization of production processes and, accordingly, the possibility of digitalization of management processes, especially at the links of production process management, logistics, quality management.  It is determined that the basis of modern management systems is technology, due to the fact that the technology acts directly as a tool for implementing changes, processes in enterprise systems, and therefore is able to transform, change and optimize and improve all processes. It was found that the growth of the efficiency of the enterprise can be carried out both at the expense of investment and innovation development, and is the result of internal organizational evolution, provided that all subsystems and elements of the enterprise management system are as adapted and synchronized as possible. The development of economic systems of enterprises is moving to a new level of understanding and formation of new scientific approaches, to understanding the provision of economic growth through the scientific approach of programming the development of enterprises.


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Author Biography

Oksana Kyrychenko, «KROK» University

Doctor of sciences (Economics), associate professor of management technologies department


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How to Cite

Kyrychenko, O. (2022). MODERN ASPECTS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(66), 107–115.



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