
  • Viktor Alkema «KROK» University



system-activity approach, activity, logistic activity, objects of logistic activity, subjects of logistic activity, management of logistic activity, values, needs, purposes, methods of management, results of logistic activity


The article considers alternative views of scientists on the essence of logistics and its components. The goal is the formation of a management paradigm of logistics activities of modern organizations. Modern approaches to understanding the category of "logistics activities" are analyzed, as well as the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of the existing approaches are revealed. The goals and objectives of logistics activities within each of these approaches have been formalized. The author's vision of logistics activity within the system approach is given. The author's approach to understanding logistics activities is offered. The advantages of the proposed integrated approach are indicated and the understanding of the purpose and tasks within its limits is determined. The essence of the philosophical category "activity" is considered and the main stages of its evolution are revealed. Alternative views of scientists on the essence of logistics and its components are revealed. Modern approaches to understanding the category of "logistics activities" are analyzed, as well as the features, advantages and disadvantages of each approach are revealed. The purpose and objectives of logistics activities within each of the existing approaches to its understanding have been formalized. The author's vision of logistics activity within the system approach is given. The author's approach to understanding logistics activities is offered. The advantages of the author's approach are indicated and the understanding of the purpose and tasks within the framework of the integrated approach is determined. The conceptual vision of theoretical and methodological bases of management of logistic activity of modern organizations is formed. The planes of researches of processes of management of logistic activity are defined. The author's vision of logistics activities is formed on the basis of a system-activity approach. Management of logistics activities of the organization is presented in the form of a process model. The proposed model covers epistemological, practical, communicative and axiological components. The presented process model has as basic components of the external contour: subjects of logistics activities, objects of logistics activities and logistics activities. These components are combined with the elements of the outer and inner frame. The internal framework of the model contains the moral, socio-psychological and professional set of managers for the design, organization, implementation, transformation and evaluation of logistics activities and their results. All components of the inner frame of the model are interconnected. In terms of content, this set is located in a hierarchical order, which is built on the basis of logically-orderly implementation of management procedures aimed at creating a logistics product (logistics service). The initial elements in this set, according to the author, are the values ​​of the subjects of logistics and the range of needs that they plan to meet in the process of this activity. These elements form a strategic vector of directing the subject of logistics activities to the objects of logistics activities. The next block is the elements of the logistics management system that include its goals, functions, objectives, principles, methods, forms of organization and methods of its implementation. The final elements of the internal framework are the results of logistics activities to achieve which is aimed at its management system.


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Author Biography

Viktor Alkema, «KROK» University

Doctor of Science (Economics), professor, head of the management technologies department


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How to Cite

Alkema, V. (2022). PARADIGM OF LOGISTIC ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT OF MODERN ORGANIZATIONS. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(66), 73–86.



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