innovative development, enterprises, economic security, digitalization of economy, competitivenessAbstract
At the present stage of development of market relations, the effective economic activity of the enterprise is gaining importance, because effective activity becomes a crucial prerequisite for the further functioning of enterprises. The present requires the leader to make rapid changes and use the latest technologies to preserve, increase integrated development for a stable future. Digitalization is a factor that provides significant benefits for development in this direction. Economic growth and transformation are happening through the expansion and more convenient use of digital technologies. One of the most influential trends of our time is the active development of innovations and modern information technologies, which are gradually gaining the status of a key driver of economic relations, accordingly affecting the features of economic security not only in the context of development prospects, but also the need to and protection against digital threats. At the same time, it should be emphasized that such processes take place in an environment of global economic instability, harsh postcool realities and systemic problems in public administration, ranging from general macroeconomic instability and constraining structural asymmetries of development to the specifics of the domestic institutional landscape and formally integrated landscape. economic relations with parallel functioning practices of regulation of economic relations.The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the processes of digitalization of economic relations on the content and features of ensuring the innovative development of enterprises. The article considers the essence of the concept of "digitalization"; the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization in the activity of enterprises are characterized and systematized; an analysis of the tasks set by employees and management in the implementation of digitalization in business; isolating the threats encountered in the implementation of innovative development of enterprises in the digitalization of the economy; the factors of entrepreneurial activity are grouped and new management models are proposed.
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