investment support, innovation development, industry, index, innovative development level assessment, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0.Abstract
The article investigates applied aspects of assessing the level of investment support for the innovative development of Ukraine's industry. The model of calculation of the Investment Support Index for innovative development of Ukraine's industry, for certain regions and the general integrated index of investment support for innovative industry development, characterizing various components of innovation activity and prospects for innovative development and can be used to assess the state of innovative technical and technological development and investment support of both individual regions and Ukraine, has been formed. The formation of a set of quantitative indicators of investment support of innovative development was carried out. The following indicators are defined as: the number of new innovative types of products introduced; the number of new technological processes implemented; the number of industrial enterprises that introduced innovations; number of industrial enterprises that implemented innovative processes; number of industrial enterprises that introduced innovative types of products; the amount of financing of innovation activities; the amount of financing of innovation activities at the expense of own funds of enterprises. As well as the development of production of new equipment machines; the total cost of purchasing new technologies; the volume of innovative products sold by region; the volume of innovative products sold for the market; the number of enterprises that sold innovative products outside Ukraine; the volume of innovative products sold outside Ukraine; the number of industrial enterprises that sold innovative products new to the market; number of industrial enterprises that sold innovative products; the amount of expenses for the purchase of machinery, equipment, software; the amount of expenses for the internal GDR; investment by region. A total of eighteen indicators characterizing various aspects of both investment and innovation support and processes of innovative development and their results in the form of volumes of innovative products sold, innovative products new for the market and the total volume of innovative products of the industry exported by the regions of Ukraine. It is substantiated that these indicators and the developed model make it possible to investigate the state and dynamics of changes in one or another indicator, to determine both separately and in their totality the state of innovative development of industry in each region of Ukraine and in general industry of Ukraine, to determine the Investment Support Index for innovative development of industry in each of the regions of Ukraine and to calculate the overall Investment Support Index for innovative development of Ukraine.
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