
  • Iryna Synhaivska «KROK» University
  • Yuli Lukash «KROK» University



interpersonal conflict, violation of interaction in marriage, family conflict, source of conflicts, classification of family conflicts, ways to prevent family conflicts, resolution of marital conflicts, psychocorrection program


Interpersonal conflict is a situation of confrontation between participants, which is perceived and experienced by them (or at least one of them) as a significant psychological problem that requires its solution and causes the activity of the parties to overcome contradictions and resolve the situation in the interests of both parties. Family conflicts last as long as there is a family. Family conflict is seen as a way of expressing and resolving the contradictions that underlie the development of a very complex system called the family. Family conflicts are one of the most common forms of conflict. According to conflictologists, 80-85% of families have conflicts, and the remaining 15-20% have fights for various reasons. A very important task of practical psychology is the selection of adequate methods, using which psychologists and psychotherapists can constructively help clients in resolving marital conflicts. The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of psychological assistance in resolving marital conflicts. The article considers the concept of "interpersonal conflict", highlights its features, analyzes the causes of interpersonal conflicts. The characteristics of family conflicts and the causes of conflicts in families are also described. Taking into account the direct source of conflicts, the existing classifications of family conflicts are studied. Given the behavior of spouses in the conflict, the types of family conflicts are considered. The main types of violations of interaction in marriage are studied: rivalry, pseudo-cooperation, isolation. The most common ways to prevent family conflicts are given. Ways to resolve family conflicts are studied. Based on the analyzed material, a psycho-correctional program for resolving marital conflicts has been developed.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Synhaivska, «KROK» University

PhD (Psychological), associate professor, director of the academic and scientific institute of psychology

Yuli Lukash, «KROK» University



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How to Cite

Synhaivska, I., & Lukash, Y. (2021). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE IN RESOLVING MARITAL CONFLICTS. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 251–257.

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