e-commerce, online order, fulfillment, competition, logistics operationsAbstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of the integrative effect from the combination of Fulfillment and Logistics when servicing customers in the Internet trade system.
Establishing the logistics operations of the fulfillment process of customer service in the e-commerce system in the general model of its phased implementation at retail enterprises.
Based on the analysis of scientific sources and benchmarking of international experience, the importance of analyzing logistics operations of the fulfillment of the customer service process in the Internet trade system has been substantiated. The essence of fulfillment, its role, main and auxiliary functions have been indicated. Also, to ensure the effective implementation of the fulfillment-process at enterprises, a step-by-step model of implementation was formed through a system of relationships from the seller to the buyer. Based on benchmarking of the international experience of leading companies, the advantages and disadvantages that should be considered in the process of building logistics operations and the fulfillment-process of customer service in the e-commerce system were generalized. Finally, proposals were made for the further development of fulfillment to increase the level of competitiveness and profitability in the face of rapid progress and growth in the market.
The model of step-by-step implementation of the fulfillment-process in the "seller-buyer" system, considering logistics operations, has been formalized. This model will provide an opportunity to increase the level of customer service and achieve long-term savings.
The provided features of the formation of logistics operations of the fulfillment-process of customer service will be useful to practitioners-entrepreneurs who are engaged in the development of online commerce and are in search of ways to increase competitiveness.
Keywords: e-commerce, online order, Internet, fulfillment, competition, logistics operations
Formulas: 0, fig.: 2, tabl.: 3, byblos: 23.
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