


foreign economic activity, payments, export agreements, effectiveness of foreign economic activity, overdue payments, overheads, cost indicators, contracts


The article describes the main types of foreign economic activity carried out by entities on the territory of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to study the main tasks and methods of analyzing the foreign economic activity of the enterprise. In the research process, such research methods as analysis and synthesis, grouping and comparison, systematic approach, financial and economic analysis, empirical research, expert evaluations, analysis of scientific literature were used. The growing role of effective management and the organization of the functioning of foreign economic activity has been studied. The main directions and steps for improving the management of foreign economic activity, the factors affecting the determination of the form of organization of foreign economic activity have been studied. The authors described the main stages and aspects of the analysis of foreign economic activity using SWOT analysis. The overall evaluation of the performance of export contracts is carried out according to value indicators, through the calculation of the coefficient of performance of export contracts, which is determined by the formula. The authors proposed to calculate the influence of factors by the method of chain substitutions or the method of absolute differences. Economic substantiation of the reduction of overhead costs for foreign exchange in the direction of exporting products of LLC "N" to Germany. The regulation of measures to influence the debtor in situations of late payment under a foreign trade contract is recommended, and an economically justified system of discounts for each category of export agreements is calculated. The main ways to increase the effectiveness of the ED have been determined.


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Author Biographies

Zinaida Zhyvko, Lviv Institute of Management

Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Department of Management and International Business, Lviv Institute of Management, Lviv

Svitlana Rassadnikova, International Humanitarian University

Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and International Economic Relations, Higher educational institution «International Humanitarian University», Odesa

Viktor Zhyvko, “Nova Liniya 1” LLC

Master of Economics, “Nova Liniya 1” LLC, Head of the financial and analytical department, Lviv

Anastasia Shehynska, Scientific Center of Innovative Research

Master of Computer Science, Master of Psychology, Junior Researcher, Scientific Center of Innovative Research, Pussi


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How to Cite

Zhyvko, Z., Rassadnikova, S., Zhyvko, V., & Shehynska, A. (2024). MAIN TASKS AND METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF THE EXTERNAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(74), 83–96.