motivational sphere of personality, achievement motivation, socio-psychological factors of achievement motivation, crisis states of personalityAbstract
As a result of the theoretical research, the main theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of motivation of personal achievements in the research of foreign and domestic scientists were analyzed. The original concept of "motivation" is highlighted, which is the basis for defining the basic concepts of the studied phenomenon (goal, need, aspiration, motive, desire, urge). The essence of the concept of achievement motivation is determined as a persistent desire of an individual to achieve the expected success in his activity, orientation to a specific result by mobilizing mental resources and increasing activity. The analysis of the main substantive and procedural theories of motivation in psychological science shows that these theories are interconnected, make up a single system of knowledge about the motivation of human behavior and can be used in the study of psychological and social mechanisms of formation of motivation for personal achievements. The analysis of socio-psychological factors of the formation of motivation for achievements in the conditions of war in Ukraine revealed that the motivational sphere of Ukrainians underwent a revision of traditional cognitive, emotional and behavioral models, a rethinking of life perspectives and strategies, and changes in expectations for the future. The change of motivational orientations in various spheres of life activity of Ukrainians in the conditions of war was revealed, in particular, the psychological, emotional and social aspects of the formation of motivation for the achievements of enterprise managers and business owners, employees, forcibly displaced persons, military personnel, and volunteers were emphasized in more detail. The importance of understanding the socio-psychological factors of the formation of achievement motivation and the development of effective strategies for maintaining a high level of motivation of Ukrainians in crisis and stressful situations is proven.Downloads
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