eating behavior, eating disorders, factors of eating behavior in women, body imageAbstract
Eating disorders are a group of psychogenically caused syndromes in which a person eats food not to satiety, but in order to eliminate emotional deficits and improve mood. Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia, psychogenic overeating Modern researchers explain eating disorders as a maladaptive way to resolve conflicts: people with eating disorders use food as a means of symbolic communication with their feelings of inadequacy in front of them. Feelings of inadequacy develop both in the absence of important life skills and against the background of unsuccessful attempts to establish effective relationships with other people. Eating disorders, it is worth noting, are a coping strategy in which food, body weight and body image become the main values of life or are devalued altogether. Women's eating behavior arises in ontogenesis as a complex interfunctional psychological system and is regulated by the contradictory unity of natural needs and their cultural forms. The peculiarities of the manifestations of eating behavior lie in the individual psychological components of eating behavior (motivation, experience, cognitive characteristics, emotions, self-regulation, operational characteristics). Women's eating behavior is largely regulated by the peculiarities of self-awareness, in particular their own body image. For the empirical study of eating disorders in women, the following methods were used: the method of subjective feeling of loneliness by D. Russell, M. Ferguson, designed to determine the influence of the level of loneliness on the choice of eating behavior in women; questionnaire "Psychological Well-Being Scale" by K. Riff, a theoretically based tool designed to measure the expressiveness of the main components of psychological well-being; "Body Image Questionnaire" developed by S. Skugarevsky S. V. Syvuha, aimed at diagnosing dissatisfaction with one's own body in persons suffering from eating disorders; the Body Dissatisfaction Test (BDT) is designed to assess the level of satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with one's body.
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