


victimitality, victim behavior, victim personality, Karpman's dramatic triangle, reflection and self-reflection


The article is intended to highlight the problem of studying the victim behavior of young people. The article presents a theoretical analysis that makes it possible to understand the problem of modern society in relation to the victim behavior of young people. The article examines the socio-psychological nature of victim behavior, which can manifest itself at any age, regardless of education, gender, and status, factors in the formation of the victim personality, such as the battered woman syndrome and the phenomenon of acquired learned helplessness, as well as the peculiarities of victim behavior in young people, which are considered on the basis of physical and psychological health. It was possible to establish the difference between victimization and victim behavior, to determine the causes of victimization. It mainly manifests itself in childhood due to infantility and lack of life experience. The influential reasons for its occurrence are the marginality of families, psychological and/or physical violence in the family and among peers, self-doubt and the inability to defend one's boundaries. Considered reasons for creating a dangerous situation for an individual, such as psychological trauma received in childhood, character weakness, self-doubt, unhealthy relationships among family members, adolescent maximalism, simple inexperience. The peculiarity of victim behavior includes acquired traumatic experience from school years, which acts as a scenario that young people reproduce in later life. It is shown that a person lives the main life scenarios that are formed in early childhood and are actively implemented in later life according to the model of Karpman's dramatic (dynamic) triangle, which is currently the most common model of human relations.


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Author Biographies

Olga Petrynko, KROK University

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Senior Research Fellow, Professorr of the Academic and Scientific Institute of Psychology,“KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hanna Patsiora, KROK University

Master's student,  Educational and Scientific Institute of Psychology, “KROK” University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Petrynko, O., & Patsiora, H. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF VICTIM BEHAVIOR OF THE YOUTH. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(70), 159–165.



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