addictology, Internet addiction, havioral addictions in adults, cyber addiction, prevention of addictionsAbstract
The authors of the article analyzed the essence of Internet addiction as a modern socio-psychological phenomenon, which was formed with the emergence of a new moderator of social relations - the Internet. Internet addiction is qualified as a multi-vector socio-psychological phenomenon and a factor that: 1) affects the consciousness, emotional state, physical health and behavior of people of different ages; 2) is a type of non-chemical addiction, which is equally dangerous for the physical and mental health of not only children and youth, but also adults; 3) is a consequence of incompetent use of the Internet and therefore, like any other addiction, requires special correction. Views on the emergence and spread of non-chemical addictions among adult Internet users are analyzed in the works of foreign and domestic scientists. An analysis of interpretations of behavioral types of addiction is given, as well as the main approaches and criteria for their classification. The subtypes of cyber addictions are specified, in particular: addictive Internet surfing (web surfing), phabbing, virtual dating, cybersex (cybersexual addiction), addiction to online gambling (cybernetic ludomania, online ludomania), obsessive need to stay on the Internet (Internet addiction, Internet addiction), gadget addiction, audio or video addiction, television addiction, online gambling, pathological online reading, cyberneomania, selfitis (or selfism). Attention is focused on the fact that addiction (dependency) is an obsessive, unnatural need of a person for something that subjectively has physiological, psychological and psychosocial significance for him (the need for certain mood stimulants, certain unnatural thoughts, emotions and experiences, in certain unnatural actions, etc.). It is shown that Internet addiction is a type of non-chemical psychological addiction, and therefore it is primarily a self-destructive phenomenon of the psyche, which consists in a violation of emotional and volitional regulation. Like any other addiction, addiction to the Internet has a destructive effect on the personality, causes emotional and nervous overload, leads to astheno-neurotic and psycho-emotional disorders and even somatic diseases, disrupts the interpersonal and social communications of addicts. The program and methods of prevention of Internet addiction in adults are outlined. Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of addictive behavior is considered in detail; special emphasis is placed on the preventive and corrective work of the psychotherapist with persons prone to addiction.
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