technological management, economic recovery, innovation, technical and technological development, enterprises, digitalizationAbstract
The article substantiates the conceptual foundations of technological management and its importance in the management of modern enterprises. It is investigated that technological management provides management of the technological development of the enterprise. To solve the goals and objectives of technological management, it is necessary to form an external environment with state support, technological innovative development of the enterprise, the introduction of innovation, investment, technological policy of the state, as well as the formation of a favorable scientific and investment environment. It was revealed that at the level of each individual enterprise, technological management requires the formation, adoption and phased implementation of the technological development strategy of the enterprise, with the development of an appropriate management system to achieve all the goals and objectives of technological development at the strategic, tactical and operational level of the enterprise. It is determined that the company has three main levels of technological management: strategic, tactical and operational, integrated into a single system of technological management. It is determined that technological management should be applied continuously, at all stages of the life cycle of an enterprise, since the change in technology determines, forms and directs the life cycle. It was revealed that technology management makes it possible to ensure continuous development and avoidance of stages of decline in financial economic activity and the development of crisis phenomena. It is generalized that technological management involves the active development, creation, introduction of innovations, the creation of new and improvement of existing technologies and the decision to abandon outdated technologies, and thus will ensure the technological renewal of products and technologies for its release, which will ensure high competitiveness of the company's products in the market, its effective implementation and profitability and will ensure dynamic technological and economic development of the enterprise in the future.
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