
  • Ihor Rumyk «KROK» University
  • Olha Pylypenko V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University



financial support, anti-crisis management, system, model, matrix, cognitive map, scenario analysis


The article is devoted to the research of actual problems of financial support of enterprises in the anti-crisis management system using cognitive modeling methods. A theoretical analysis of methodical approaches to the organization of financial support was carried out. The components of the company's financial support system were studied. The structural and logical scheme of relationships between the components of the financial support system is presented. The expediency of using a complex approach in researching the financial support of enterprises is substantiated. A systematic method was used to investigate scientific and methodological approaches to the analysis of the classical model of financial rehabilitation, which consists of four stages: quantitative assessment, forecasting of crisis trends, development of a set of management decisions to eliminate the crisis and coordination procedures and controls. Using the method of system analysis, theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the importance of conceptual principles of crisis management of the enterprise are evaluated. The methodological basis of the research was the cognitive modeling method, which was used to determine the factors influencing the financial support system of the enterprise, identified the connections between them, and built a model in the form of a cognitive map. This made it possible to conduct a scenario analysis, identify the nature of the model change and determine the two main profiling components of the system: the company's own funds and the funds of foreign investors. Contradictions and differences of modern scientific approaches to the interpretation of theoretical and practical provisions on issues of financial support and cognitive methods of modeling the activities of enterprises have been investigated and revealed. Based on this, it is proposed to use modern methods of managing enterprises in crisis conditions, which are based on cognitive modeling methods. Such approaches make it possible to investigate possible scenarios of crisis situations at enterprises and to determine ways to overcome them. Seven components of the enterprise's financial support were analyzed. A matrix of adjacency and a cognitive map of the modeling of the financial support system were built. Impulse modeling of the influence of the specified components was carried out and the level of their influence on the financial support system of the enterprise was determined. The results of cognitive modeling of the influence of factors on the financial support of enterprises can be used to develop a strategy for their development in the conditions of dynamic changes in the economy.


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Author Biographies

Ihor Rumyk, «KROK» University

Doctor of Science (Economics), professor, professor of national economy and finance department

Olha Pylypenko, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University

PhD (Economics), associate professor, associate professor of Finance and Accounting Department


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How to Cite

Rumyk, I., & Pylypenko, O. (2022). FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF ENTERPRISES: POSSIBILITIES OF USING COGNITIVE MODELING. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(66), 44–52.

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