
  • Zinaida Zhyvko Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
  • Myroslava Stadnyk Lviv Institute of Management



security, fresh water, freshwater security, environmental security, food security, resource security, threats


The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of "freshwater safety", definition, classification and analysis of its threats. The essence and the author's interpretation of the concept of "freshwater security" is considered. It is proposed to consider it as "the ability of the state, regardless of internal and external conditions and threats, to provide the population of the country with freshwater of the necessary quantity and adequate quality at the level of scientifically justified standards of consumption in order to promote health and maintain normal life activities of each citizen, to promote expanded reproduction of the population, sociopolitical stability in the country, its sustainable economic development, and the strengthening of the country's position at the international level. The place of freshwater security of the national security system is defined and its links with food, environmental, resource and economic security are characterized. It has been noted that water in wars for it can play different roles: the main cause of hostilities, the subject of hostilities (when water facilities as elements of critical infrastructure become the subject of armed conflicts) or weapons (in the case of contamination of drinking water in the enemy's territory or flooding of the like). The main threats to freshwater security are characterized and their classification is given. Causes of imbalance between water availability and water demand are determined and destabilizing factors disturbing this balance are identified. All of them are proposed to be divided into four characteristic groups: natural, economic, social and political threats. Changes in the population and the availability of available quality drinking water as the main factors forming the balance of demand and demand for freshwater were analyzed. The level and structure of fresh water use by expenditures for certain needs and total drainage by the level of pollution, as well as their changes over time, were determined. The availability of water resources in Ukrainian provinces in average water year and low water year, compliance with minimum and sufficient norm, as well as the coefficient of territorial differentiation of water resources distribution is assessed. According to the results of the analysis, it was established that practically all provinces of Ukraine are provided with water resources according to the minimum and sufficient norms in the average water year. Only Donetsk and Kharkiv regions experience water deficit by sufficient norm. Therefore, the cause of water shortage can only be pollution, which should be the focus of all efforts of the state and the public.


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Author Biographies

Zinaida Zhyvko, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of sciences (Economics), professor, professor of management department

Myroslava Stadnyk, Lviv Institute of Management

PhD (Economics), associate professor, acting head of marketing and analytical economics department


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Юридичний словник-довідник. URL:

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Державна служба статистики України. URL:



How to Cite

Zhyvko, Z., & Stadnyk, M. (2022). THREATS ANALYSIS FOR FRESHWATER SAFETY. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(66), 25–32.