security, fresh water, freshwater security, environmental security, economic sectors, water pollutionAbstract
The article considers the essence of freshwater safety, taking into account existing interpretations and its key features. The purpose of this study is to establish the impact of human economic activity on the state of freshwater and environmental safety. It is noted that the main threat to freshwater safety is the pollution of water resources, especially fresh water, as a result of economic activities of enterprises. The intensity of water consumption depending on the level of human development is characterized. The dynamics of pollution of water resources of Ukraine, the structure of fresh water use by enterprises of different sectors of the economy and the sectorial structure of diversion of contaminated water without purification of return water into surface water bodies are analyzed. It was found that the largest consumers of water in Ukraine are such sectors of the economy as electricity, agriculture, housing and communal services, and the main polluters of water resources are agricultural and metallurgical enterprises, and housing and communal services. The results of the statistical grouping confirmed the dependence of the increasing of morbidity and mortality on the intensity of water pollution. Due to correlation-regression analysis, the dependence of mortality as a result of digestive diseases and infectious and parasitic diseases on such factors as the availability of water resources and their pollution was confirmed. It is recommended to take organizational, technical, technological, financial and legal measures to prevent and neutralize threats to freshwater safety. The introduction of a new procedure for limiting discharges, fees for water use and pollutants discharges can help protect water from pollution. Taking into account the existing economic and environmental contradictions in the activities of economic sectors (on the one hand, the need for their functioning to meet the needs of society, and to society as a whole), it is necessary to minimize the level of threat they pose to freshwater, as well as environmental, food and resource security. In this regard, a set of measures is presented that will help reduce the negative impact of economic sectors on the state of fresh water in Ukraine.
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Забруднення водойм загрожує водній безпеці п’яти мільярдів людей. URL:
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