
  • Marta Kopytko «KROK» University
  • Mariia Vinichuk Lviv State University of Internal Affairs



offshore zones, tax evasion, ways of tax evasion, offshorization of the economy, ounteraction to tax evasion


The formation of the tax system of Ukraine is influenced by a number of crisis phenomena of economic, political and social nature, which have instilled in the minds of the population and businesses stereotypes about the forced introduction of tax payments, which causes taxpayers to reduce tax liabilities or evade payment, ie anti-fiscal behavior is formed. Frequent changes in tax legislation, its inconsistency, imperfection, inconsistency and ambiguity are significant obstacles to the financial and economic activities of economic entities and encourage them to abuse in the field of taxation. In addition, the significant tax burden on businesses is also due to the complexity and instability of tax legislation. The significant expansion of the borders of financial markets, caused by globalization, has created favorable conditions for the implementation of shadow economic activity and the spread of tax evasion, which begins its existence in the legal sector of the economy and gradually turns into the shadow. The purpose of the article is to study the problematic aspects of tax evasion using offshore zones and to develop recommendations for its minimization and counteraction to tax evasion. The problem of tax evasion, of course, is interrelated with the shadowing of the economy and, today, is becoming widespread and large-scale, therefore, the problem of effective combating tax evasion is relevant. An effective tool of tax evasion at the current stage of socio-economic development of the country is the use of offshore. The article identifies the essence of offshore zones, the reasons for their occurrence and features of functioning. The relationship between offshore zones and the mechanism of tax evasion is outlined. The main directions, ways and methods of tax evasion through offshore zones are analyzed. The basic schemes of tax evasion with the use of offshore zones are investigated. Measures to counteract tax evasion using offshore zones are substantiated and proposed; systematized and proposed the main measures to combat the offshoring of Ukraine's economy.


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Author Biographies

Marta Kopytko, «KROK» University

Doctor of science (Economics), professor, professor of management technologiesdepartment

Mariia Vinichuk, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

PhD (Economics), associate professor, associate professor of finance and accounting department


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How to Cite

Kopytko, M., & Vinichuk, M. (2021). USE OF OFFSHORE ZONES AS A WAY OF AVOIDANCE FROM TAXATION. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 79–88.



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