integrated enterprise, innovative principles, development, management, hub, logistics structure, food productionAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of actual problems of management of financial and economic activities of integrated enterprises of the agricultural sector of Ukraine on an innovative basis. Theoretical analysis of approaches to the organization of such structures in the food sub complex is carried out. The state of development of agricultural holdings is studied according to three groups of indicators: the size of the land bank, financial, economic, reputational, and innovative results of activity. The expediency of creating integrated formations operating on the principle of logistics hubs is substantiated. A systematic method was used to investigate scientific approaches to the advantages and disadvantages of the functioning of integrated enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy based on a comprehensive analysis of the resource basis of their activities. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the current state of financial and economic activities of integrated enterprises. Using the method of system analysis, theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the importance of the principles of management of such structures on an innovative basis are evaluated. The peculiarities in the interpretation of the essence and management strategy of integrated enterprises by different scientists are revealed. The structure of the land bank of the largest agricultural holdings with their ranking by three groups is analyzed. The role and significance of financial and economic activity of integrated enterprises are revealed and their influence on the economy is determined. It is proposed to solve the problems of optimal food distribution by integrated logistics structures through the system of wholesale food markets. The Concept of creation and development of wholesale food markets (hubs) based on innovative model is developed. The contradictions and differences of modern scientific approaches to the interpretation of the directions of development of integrated structures are investigated and revealed. Based on this, we propose our own approach to the formation of strategic directions for the development of organizational and legal forms, which is based on the creation of large integrated logistics entities using the benefits of a closed cycle of production activities. Based on the proposed strategy of management of integrated enterprises, practical recommendations have been developed, which are a scientific basis for improving the interaction of their participants. The use of proposals by government agencies and research institutions will ensure the development of the agricultural sector and the necessary support for integrated enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, increase the efficiency and competitiveness of their own production, food and economic security on an innovative basis.
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