
  • Iryna Mihus «KROK» University




rating, securities, issuer, state, credit rating


One of the indicators of the development of each country is the state of its stock market, which reflects the state of all sectors of the economy. The main tool for evaluating the stock market are ratings. The purpose of the article is to study the main stages of formation of securities rating in Ukraine. During the research the methods of comparative analysis, methods of coefficients, methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as generalizations were used to form the main results and conclusions. The main results of the study are to study the essence of sweating "rating" based on foreign and domestic sources. The main methodological approaches to the calculation of major international ratings, such as Standard & Poor's, Fashion's and IBCA, are studied. The main historical stages of the formation of stock market ratings in Ukraine from PFTS, the Ukrainian Investment Business Association, the Bankruptcy Prevention Agency and others are systematized. The first Ukrainian methods of rating securities and methods of assessing the solvency of enterprises are imperfect, as either do not include all aspects of enterprise analysis, or the set of their indicators varies depending on the object and subject of analysis, which affects the comparison of results. It is established that the methods of leading world agencies in compiling credit ratings, in contrast to Ukrainian ratings and methods of assessing the solvency of enterprises, are based on a multifaceted and detailed analysis of the activities of enterprises issuing debt. We consider it expedient to develop a methodology for calculating the rating, which would effectively assess the state of all stock market participants.


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Author Biography

Iryna Mihus, «KROK» University

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), professor, professor of the management of financial and economic security department


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How to Cite

Mihus, I. (2021). HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF SECURITIES RATING IN UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(64), 9–20. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-64-9-20



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