


business reputation, economic security, globalization, competitiveness, investors, social responsibility, reputation management, reputational risks, corporate culture, transparency


The article is devoted to the study of the problems of business reputation as an important tool of economic security of business. The purpose of the study is to define the role of business reputation as an indicator of economic security of business, as well as to analyze the problems that arise during its formation and maintenance. The study is aimed at identifying key factors affecting reputation and developing recommendations for companies to improve their reputation policy. The main methods used in the research were the method of comparative analysis, generalization, as well as the visualization method for the research results. The importance of reputation in the context of growing globalization and competition, as well as their impact on the trust of investors, partners and consumers, is considered. In the modern business environment, business reputation becomes one of the key components of sustainable development of the enterprise and ensuring its competitiveness in the market. The article analyzes modern approaches to the formation and management of business reputation both at the domestic and international level. Particular attention is paid to the study of tools used to increase reputational capital, such as social responsibility of business, transparency in conducting activities, innovative development and effective communication management. It was determined that the successful formation of business reputation requires not only the introduction of appropriate measures within the company, but also active interaction with external stakeholders. In addition, the influence of reputation on the economic security of business is considered, in particular on the possibility of attracting financial resources, risk management and ensuring the stability of the enterprise in crisis situations. It was emphasized that a negative reputation can lead to serious financial losses, loss of trust on the part of investors and partners, as well as difficulties in entering new markets. Therefore, an important task of companies is the formation of a reputation management system that would ensure constant monitoring, assessment and correction of reputational risks. The article also contains recommendations on improving the reputation policy of enterprises and measures to increase their economic security. A number of practical recommendations are offered, which include improving corporate culture, increasing transparency and ethics in business conduct, and revitalizing social projects aimed at supporting local communities. It was determined that purposeful actions in the direction of improving the reputation are able not only to strengthen the company's position on the market, but also to ensure its long-term economic stability.


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Author Biographies

Zinaida Zhyvko, Ukrainian State Aviation Academy

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Aviation Management, Ukrainian State Aviation Academy, Kropyvnytskyi

Mykhailo Zhyvko, Scientific Center of Innovative Research

Ph.D. in Law, Junior Researcher, Scientific Center of Innovative Research, Pussi,

Anastasiia Shehynska, Scientific Center of Innovative Research

M.Sс., Junior Researcher, Scientific Center of Innovative Research, Pussi


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How to Cite

Zhyvko, Z., Zhyvko, M., & Shehynska, A. (2024). THE PROBLEM OF BUSINESS REPUTATION AS AN INDICATOR OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF BUSINESS. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(76), 104–113.



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