



decision-making, motherhood, situation of uncertainty


The article carries out a theoretical analysis of the factors of decision-making about motherhood in conditions of uncertainty. To achieve the goals of the article, the main concepts of the topic "decision-making" and "uncertainty" are considered. A woman's emotions related to the prospect of carrying and giving birth to a child, features of her cognitive processes, thanks to which the acquisition, processing, accumulation and use of information about motherhood, a woman's personal experience or the experience of an authoritative person for her in this area are considered as factors for making a decision about motherhood. A woman's needs, her values and motives and their hierarchy are also considered as factors of decision-making about motherhood. It is noted that the presence of a partner and the characteristics of a partner relationship, the partner's attitude towards a woman's future motherhood, and even the partner's psycho-emotional state also significantly influence her decision to become a mother. The presence or absence of support for such a decision from relatives, friends, other close and significant people for a woman is also considered as a factor in making a decision about motherhood. The article emphasizes the importance of planned or unplanned pregnancy as a factor in making a decision about motherhood, as well as the importance of social expectations, opinions and stereotypes regarding a woman's role as a mother in making the appropriate decision. The article examines the essence of uncertainty and its ambiguous influence on a woman's decision-making regarding motherhood. Thus, it is emphasized that the situation of uncertainty can both encourage a woman to carry and give birth to a child, and, on the contrary, deter her from making such a decision. It is noted that an uncertain situation is one that does not allow one to clearly predict future events, due to the lack and contradiction of information about the surrounding reality, its rapid changeability.


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Author Biography

Hаnna Skliarova, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Psychology Department. “KROK” University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Skliarova, H. (2024). FACTORS OF DECISION-MAKING ABOUT MOTHERHOOD IN SITUATION OF UNCERTAINTY. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(74), 298–303. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2024-74-298-303