


non-state pension fund, long-term financial resources, fund management, pension contributions, pension assets


The article is devoted to the research of peculiarities of the functioning of non-state pension provision. A theoretical analysis of methodical approaches to the organization of activities of non-state pension funds was carried out. The functional components of their activity have been studied. The structural and logical scheme of relationships between the participants of the non-state pension system is presented. The expediency of using a complex approach in researching the specifics of the activity of non-state pension funds is substantiated. A systematic approach was used to investigate theoretical approaches to determining the role and importance of non-state pension provision. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the current state and quantitative dynamics of non-state pension funds and their administrators. With the help of the system analysis method, the pension contracts of legal entities and individuals were assessed using structural division. Restrictions on the implementation of this process in Ukraine are defined. The factors that restrain the active participation of the population in placing their own savings in non-state pension funds as financial intermediaries have been identified. Contradictions in the formation of pension assets by non-state pension funds were investigated and revealed. Based on this, it was concluded that pension funds are able to mobilize significant amounts of long-term financial resources and transform them into an investment resource for the stabilization and development of not only the country's financial market, but also the economy as a whole. Such approaches make it possible to explore possible options for attracting investment resources and to determine ways to increase their quantitative volumes and qualitative investment in various assets. The dynamics of changes in the quality of asset diversification of non-state pension funds are analyzed. This made it possible to confirm the hypothesis that state securities in the form of state bonds continue to be the predominant investment direction of pension assets. Measures to increase the effectiveness of the functioning of non-state pension funds are proposed. The use of a combined approach to the regulation of the investment activities of pension funds, namely: rules of reasonable behavior and quantitative restrictions on investments of NPFs, will allow solving the main problem of their activity - increasing the efficiency of using the investment potential of non-state pension funds.


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Author Biographies

Ihor Rumyk, KROK University

Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Professor of national economy and finance department, KROK University, Kyiv

Volodymyr Kuzminsky, KROK University

Ph.D., Associate professor, Associate professor of national economy and finance department, KROK University, Kyiv

Viktoria Kostylova, KROK University

Graduate student, KROK University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Rumyk, I., Kuzminsky, V., & Kostylova, V. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF THE FUNCTIONING OF NON-STATE PENSION FUNDS. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(70), 29–37.

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