


national security, economic security of the state, system of economic security of the state


The article analyzes the latest researches and publications dedicated to solving the problem of the theoretical foundations of the economic security of the state, in particular, the study of the general problem of the theory of economic security to clarify the definition of the concept of "system of economic security of the state". A deep understanding of the essence of the category "system of economic security of the state" is of great importance for the correct understanding of processes and phenomena, determination of its composition and structure, tasks and functions of bodies that ensure the functioning of the system of economic security, scientific, methodological and methodical support of processes related to it functioning The purpose of the article is to clarify the definition of the concept of "system of economic security of the state", taking into account the requirements of Article 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Solving the specified scientific task allowed: to develop a conceptual apparatus for further scientific, methodological and methodical support of the functioning of the system of economic security of the state; to provide scientifically based recommendations on the improvement of the normative legal framework on issues of substantiation of the structure and composition of the system of economic security of the state and its elements; conduct a study of the properties of the economic security system, etc. Based on the results of the study, it is proposed to consider the category "system of economic security of the state" taking into account the essence of economic security, as the highest function of the state, defined by the Constitution of Ukraine. At the same time, the article proposes to standardize the specified category, for which the Law of Ukraine "On the Basics of Economic Security of Ukraine" should be developed. The conducted research provided an opportunity to clarify the definition of the concept of "system of economic security of the state" and to determine further directions of research of the general problem, which may be questions related to: further improvement of the conceptual and categorical apparatus necessary for the development of the theory of economic security; substantiation of recommendations regarding the structure (model) of the system of economic security of the state and improvement of the legal framework for its functioning.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Pravdyvets, KROK University

PhD (Military), Associate Professor of financial and economic security management department,  Research and Training Institute of Security Management, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Pravdyvets, O. (2022). THE ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT OF THE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE STATE ON. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(67), 34–38.

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