
  • Oleksandr Shkuropat Audit Service of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Journal “Financial Control”
  • Serhii Petrukha State Enterprise “State Integrated Support Administration”, “KROK” University
  • Oleksandr Melnykov All-Ukrainian Scientifc-Practical Journal “Financial Control”
  • Nina Petrukha Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture



state enterprises, economic institutes development strategizing, management evaluation efficiency approaches, business processes, administrative-economic processes reengineering, Derzhauditsluzhba, SE “SISA”


A matter of efficient management of state enterprises is actively researched by domestic scientists. Concurrently, it is necessary to emphasize that, in these papers, not enough attention is given exactly to the practice of organization of efficient management of administrative-economic processes in the central bodies of executive power. To organize these processes, special enterprises are established and successfully operate (for example, state enterprises: the “Property Complex Operation Administration”, the “Service-Publishing Center”, the “State Integrated Support Administration” etc.). Ministries and other bodies of executive power, under the sphere of management of which the respective state enterprises fall, established them for the performance of specific tasks in due time. So, the evaluation of their performance must be based on the quantitative-qualitative aspects of their execution of administrative-economic processes, the formation of the maximally transparent system of their financial support and performance price regulation from the respective central body of executive power. Such an approach requires a personal attitude to each specific enterprise on the part of founders of state enterprises and only so can provide the efficient property management. In our research, the methods are used: of systematization – to research organization of administrative-economic processes; of synthesis and analysis – to identify the existing problems and the ways to solve them; an abstract-logical method – to make theoretical generalizations and form conclusions from the conducted research. In connection with the completion, in 2021, of the certification of the management system of the State Audit Service of Ukraine under the DSTU ISO 9001:2015 requirements, the SE “State Integrated Support Administration” came up with administrative-economic organization improvement proposals, which support the activities of the Derzhauditsluzhba apparatus and can be implemented in the short-term at its material-technical base. Two stages are set for the implementation of these proposals: the first stage (the fourth quarter of 2021) and the second stage (2022). The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine developed the general principles of management of economic entities of the public sector consisting in establishing clear objectives of the activities of economic entities, separating functions of the owner and the regulator, economic entities management professionalism etc. Observance of all these principles is included in improving organization of administrative-economic processes supporting the activities of the apparatus of the Derzhauditsluzhba by the SE “State Integrated Support Administration”. In addition, an approach to evaluation of the performance of the SE “State Integrated Support Administration” in terms of the execution of these tasks is proposed.


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Author Biographies

Oleksandr Shkuropat, Audit Service of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Journal “Financial Control”

PhD (Economics), Deputy Head, Chairman of the Editorial Board

Serhii Petrukha, State Enterprise “State Integrated Support Administration”, “KROK” University

PhD (Economics), associate professor, director, Professor of Project and Process Management department, Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Adult Education

Oleksandr Melnykov, All-Ukrainian Scientifc-Practical Journal “Financial Control”

Doctor of sciences (Economics), Chief Editor

Nina Petrukha, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

PhD (Economics), Doctoral Student of the Department of Management in Construction


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How to Cite

Shkuropat, O., Petrukha, S., Melnykov, O., & Petrukha, N. (2021). PRACTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ADMINISTATIVE-ECONOMIC PROCESSES IN CENTRAL BODIES OF EXECUTIVE POWER (by an example of the State Audit Service of Ukraine). Science Notes of KROK University, (3(63), 100–108.



Chapter 5. Рublic management and administration