


market competition, rational behavior, reliable information, competitive strategy, nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, cognitive technologies, world economic relation


The article shows the importance of reliable, operational and dichotomous information factors for gaining advantages in competitive markets and generating strategic alternatives. The algorithm of generation of alternatives for the organization of sales of the enterprise and the advantages given by the concrete enterprise from its use in the process of activity in competitive markets is offered. The information needed by the firm to develop competitive advantages is based on an analysis of the relative position on the market compared to the competitors' position (especially important data on the market share of competitors, the benefits of consumers, the degree of consumer satisfaction with available products); from a comparison of the company's capabilities with the capabilities of competitors (information on production costs, distribution methods, marketing programs, sales organization and service of major competitors), and, finally, on the company's ability to achieve strategic goals. In conditions of increasing competitive pressure on the market special attention requires the preservation of commercial secrets as part of the marketing information system of the enterprise. Therefore, the study of the problem of obtaining, as well as ways to prevent information-competitive pressure is today a topical task. When trying to protect information that is a commercial secret, the company forces to solve dual tasks: to advertise their products (services), and thus inform suppliers and consumers about their activities; It is not possible to advertise without specific information containing aspects of the company's activity, so it faces the problem of disclosure of commercial secrets. Undertakings at the present stage need protection of important data relating to commercial secrets, and also need reliable information about competitors in order to identify new benefits. For effective use of economic information, marketers of the enterprise should solve a large number of applied problems and determine: what information is required when, in what volume, with what qualitative indicators (accuracy, reliability, degree of confidentiality, delay time), where, how and at what price it is possible to get this information; how, in what ways, with what expenses and in what conditions communication tasks for economic information are carried out (storage, transmission and display); what transformation of economic information is necessary to predict, to find parameters of transformation algorithms and technology of their application.


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Author Biographies

В. І. Терехов, "KROK" University

doctor of economics sciences, professor of managerial technologies department

Б. М. Одягайло, "KROK" University

doctor of economics, professor, professor of the department of foreign trade and logistics


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How to Cite

Терехов, В. І., & Одягайло, Б. М. (2018). ROLE INFORMATION FACTORS IN SHAPING ADVANTAGES IN COMPETITIVE MARKETS. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (52), 36–44.



Chapter 2. International economic relations