financial rehabilitation, crisis management, mechanism, principles, financial recovery, restructuring, strategyAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of actual problems of crisis management in the implementation of rehabilitation measures of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to study the methodological approaches to crisis management of the enterprise and to develop recommendations for the implementation of remediation measures. Theoretical analysis of methodical approaches to the organization of reorganization process is carried out. The components of the mechanism of financial rehabilitation of the enterprise are investigated. The functional-target structure of the reorganization mechanism is presented. Two blocks of measures for the implementation of financial rehabilitation of the enterprise are substantiated: reduction and rationalization of costs, attraction of financial investments. A systematic method was used to investigate scientific and methodological approaches to the analysis of the classical model of financial rehabilitation, which consists of four stages: quantitative assessment, forecasting of crisis trends, development of a set of management decisions to eliminate the crisis and coordination procedures and controls. Using the method of system analysis, theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the importance of conceptual principles of crisis management of the enterprise are evaluated. Peculiarities in the interpretation of the essence of financial rehabilitation and strategies of its implementation by different scientists are revealed. Two groups of general principles of organization of reorganization measures are analyzed, which are universal and suitable for the vast majority of business entities. The strategic goal of restructuring is determined. The role and significance of the main goals of enterprise restructuring in the implementation of remediation measures are revealed. A standard program of financial recovery of the enterprise (Crash Program) in the implementation of rehabilitation measures in the crisis management system through its restructuring is proposed. The contradictions and differences of modern scientific approaches to the interpretation of the goals of enterprise restructuring in the implementation of remediation measures are investigated and revealed. Based on this, we propose our own approach to the formation of the Program of financial recovery of the enterprise. Based on the proposed Program of financial recovery of the enterprise, recommendations have been developed for the implementation of remedial measures in the crisis management system, which are the scientific basis for improving the procedure for their implementation. The use of proposals will allow companies to improve their financial condition, restore solvency, liquidity, profitability through internal and external sources of financing.
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