



war, emotions, cognitive strategies, emotional strategies, behavioral coping strategies


The article analyzes psychological literature on the emotional states of students during the conditions of the war 2022 in Ukraine.

The objective of the article is to reveal the manifestations of various types of emotions among students and to show the dynamics of their changes at the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war and ften months later.

A survey is used to diagnose dominant emotions. It is found that the following emotions were the most common: panic and shock, horror, hysteria, emotional polarities, mood swings, worry (over oneself, relatives, the future of Ukraine) fear of uncertainty, sadness and despair, insecurity in one's strength, hatred, anger, aggression, pessimism, irritation, anxiety, desolation, hopelessness, confusion, depression, restlessness, guilt. Due to these worries body tremors, numbness, high pressure, temperature, tears and crying, body weakness, lack of appetite, poor sleep, reluctance to do any work appear.

Diagnosis of coping strategies (E. Heim) was carried out, which allowed to investigate 26 situation-specific coping strategies (types of behavior, response to a difficult situation, dealing with stress), divided into three main areas of mental activity - cognitive, emotional and behavioral coping mechanisms.

A number of preventive and psychotherapeutic online interviews were conducted with students of higher education regarding their emotion management.

When re-interviewed after four months of the war, the following changes in emotions occurred among the students: a desire not to "get stuck" and not to think about the worst, a feeling of relief from being busy with something.

Fear and a sense of hopelessness were replaced by hope and faith in our defenders, strong patriotism and pride for our Ukraine, faith that Ukraine will win and the neighboring empire will collapse.

Eventually, good news is accepted with joy, and bad news with courage. 95 % of the surveyed students now feel only malice and anger towards the aggressor.

 In addition, 20 % of respondents were left with fear, anger, irritation, and hatred, as well as depression, sadness, and moral and physical exhaustion from constant sirens. There still experience mood swings and auditory flashbacks.

A repeated study of coping strategies also shows changes in the emotional states of young people. After preventive and corrective work, the number of students with adaptive cognitive coping strategies (by 25 %), with adaptive emotional coping strategies (by 20 %), with adaptive behavioral coping strategies (by 25 %) increased; the number of achievers with non-adaptive cognitive coping strategies (by 5 %), with non-adaptive emotional coping strategies (by 15 %), and with non-adaptive behavioral coping strategies (by 15 %) decreased; the number of achievers with relatively adaptive cognitive coping strategies (by 20 %), with relatively adaptive emotional coping strategies (by 5 %), and with relatively adaptive behavioral coping strategies (by 10 %) decreased.


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Author Biographies

Anatolii Shuldyk, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of Psychology chair, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine

Halyna Shuldyk, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of Psychology chair, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Shuldyk, A., & Shuldyk, H. (2023). FEATURES OF THE MANIFESTATION OF EMOTIONS AMONG HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS DURINF OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR IN UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(69), 223–230. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2022-69-223-230