


erotic libido, coital sexuality, ontogenesis of sexuality, adolescence, platonic libido, psychosexual development, romantic libido, sexuality, sexual libido


The article highlights the problems of researching the issue of critical periods in the formation of human sexuality. In particular, attention is focused on adolescence as one of the turning points in a person's psychosexual development, since many sexual problems originate from childhood or adolescence. The limits of adolescence in the understanding of domestic scientists are defined, a concise interpretation of the essence of adolescent sexuality, its differences and characteristic manifestations is provided. The process of development of platonic, erotic, sexual libido is described and the possible consequences in case of "falling out" of one of the stages are indicated. The role and significance of the third stage of psychosexual development, which coincides with adolescence and young adulthood, is revealed, the stages included in this stage of the development of human sexuality are outlined, and the tasks faced by adolescents at this time against the background of puberty, increased interest in the opposite sex and the emergence of sex drive Alternative scenarios of the formation of sexuality in the case of violations of psychosexual development or fixations at one of its stages are highlighted. Attention is focused on how disorders of psychosexual development can later affect a person's sexual behavior. It is shown that some complications in the realization of adult genital sexuality can originate from adolescence. On the basis of the studied material, directions for further research are outlined, current problems and ways for further development of relevant training, educational and educational programs for teenagers and adults are determined.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Synhaivska, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology, Professor, Director of the institute of psychology, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Svyatoslava Fedorets, KROK University

Postgraduate student, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Synhaivska, I., & Fedorets, S. (2022). ADOLESCENT AGE AS ONE OF THE CRITICAL PERIODS OF PSYCHOSEXUAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(68), 107–114.