


Self image, self concept, life path, future planning, life plan


Temptatum est considerare et disponere materiam scientificam theoricam in eventu phaenomeni futuri in conteftu investigationis psychologicae. Lineamenta propriae vitae propriae revelantturur. Peculiarataes mutuae influentiae propriarum personarum adulescentium, eiusque structurae propriae imagines et earum influxus in processu et content future propriae designandi, investigantur. Iter proprium vitae destinare est processus potius multiplex et longus, qui involvit vitae consilium aedificandum, quod oritur solum cum agitur de consideration non solum effectus finalis (the goal, its achievement), but also the ways to achieve it, the path that a person intends to follow, and the objective and subjective resources (self-esteem) that he will need for this. Accordingly, the design of ones own life takes place at the personal level – the design of ones own actions to achieve the desired future. The process of setting a goal and its implementation of purposeful action forms the basis where the subject realizes the design of his life. The project built by the subject is interpreted as a person’s conscious living of the goal, the realization of certain values in combination with the internal and external activity of the subject aimed at their achievement. Psychological science does not have a clear interpretation of the phenomenon of the future. However, it has a detailed psychological interpretation of the psychological functions of the future in human life. In the framework of the study, a point of view is adopted regarding the main function of the future, which is to provide a meaningful and temporal perspective of the individual. In psychological science, these functions-characteristics are revealed through the category of the image of the future. As part of our research, we agree with interpretations that consider the image of the future as a neoplasm that appears as a forecast, as a real constructive life perspective, as a life plan of an individual. The image of the future is a multimodal (which includes different time coordinates,emotional and cognitive and cognitive processes) configurator, characteristic of both an individual and a group in general.


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Author Biographies

Olha Vasilchenko, KROK University

Doctor of sciences (Psychology), professor, KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Yeugen Batsman, KROK University

Master degree student, “KROK” University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Vasilchenko, O., & Batsman, Y. (2022). SELF IMAGE AND IDEAS ABOUT THE FUTURE IN YOUNG PEOPLE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(67), 147–152.