
  • Mykola Andriienko Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Petro Haman Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Liudmyla Kalynenko Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Bohdan Ovcharenko Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Pavlo Hordieiev Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection



mechanism, сivil protection, social design, social management, material resources, piloting


Deep social transformations taking place in Ukraine recently are accompanied by significant institutional changes in the system of public administration and its component - state regulation, in particular in the field of civil protection of the population and territories. Modern mechanisms of state management of civil protection should be oriented towards stimulating anti-crisis development in order to meet public needs, increase business activity of the population, ensure the necessary level of social protection and standard of living of the population, and preserve cultural and natural heritage. The problem of the influence of various negative factors, including risks, is always relevant in project management. The practice of project and program management shows that managing uncertainty as part of the real world is a mandatory function of a project manager, because in conditions of uncertainty, projects always have actual additional losses of time, finances, and quality compared to the planned ones. The current state of the political, economic, and legislative environment of projects and programs implemented on the basis of domestic enterprises, organizations, and companies in various fields is changeable, unstable, and turbulent. The high level of uncertainty of both internal and external environments of projects leads to the fact that the project manager must manage it in conditions of high risks, constant changes, promptly solve problems in the project, manage conflicts, fight stress, and even sometimes solve crisis situations in the project . The main goal of this work is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the mechanism of state management of social projects in the field of civil protection. The article examines the history of the formation and development of social design, theoretical and practical approaches to its use in public administration in the field of civil protection. The existing classification of social projects is summarized. The peculiarities of the design object as a social system are evaluated. The main problems of social design in the state management of social projects in the field of civil protection are identified.


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Author Biographies

Mykola Andriienko, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Doctor of science (Public administration), professor, colonel of the civil defense service, head of the civil defense research center

Petro Haman, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Doctor of science (Public administration), professor, head of the protection measures department

Liudmyla Kalynenko, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Senior Research Fellow

Bohdan Ovcharenko, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Researcher of the Department of Protection Measures, Scientific Research Center of Civil Protection

Pavlo Hordieiev, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

researcher of the man-made security sector of the scientific research center of civil protection


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How to Cite

Andriienko, M., Haman, P., Kalynenko, L., Ovcharenko, B., & Hordieiev, P. (2022). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE STATE MANAGEMENT MECHANISM OF SOCIAL PROJECTS IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL PROTECTION. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(66), 87–95.



Chapter 2. Management and administration