
  • Iryna Petrova «KROK» University
  • Yelyzaveta Loiko «KROK» University



enterprise, market economy, marketing strategy, competitiveness, targeted advertising, algorithm, efficiency


The article considers the methodological approach to the development of marketing strategy of the enterprise in the sphere of promotion policy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodological approach and algorithm for developing the marketing strategy of the enterprise. It is determined that due to the rapid change in society there is a need to develop new marketing strategies to promote goods and services to consumers. Information on the development of new marketing strategies is summarized: neuromarketing, event marketing, emotional marketing, internet marketing, content marketing. Due to these strategic directions, the main goal of the enterprise is to meet the needs of consumers. The application of modern directions of development of new marketing strategies is considered on the example of enterprises of the garment industry. It is determined that the work of industrial enterprises, in particular garment enterprises, in the conditions of quarantine restrictions due to the pandemic COVID-19 has undergone significant changes. During the quarantine period of COVID-19, consumer demand for clothing decreased significantly, so garment companies were forced to develop a new list of individual services that they could provide to their customers. The list of new services requires the garment company to develop a new marketing strategy to attract consumers of these services. Modern marketing strategies to promote services to a new market segment are based on the use of Internet marketing tools. It is proved that for garment companies marketing strategies using Internet marketing tools are not common and widely used, so they need theoretical and methodological justification and development of practical tools for Internet marketing. Analysis of the results of financial and economic activities of the garment company for the period 2018-2021 and analysis of the site of the garment company allowed us to conclude that even a properly formed and configured site does not give a 100% guarantee of product sales. An algorithm for the application of targeted advertising through the social network Facebook in order to promote the services of the garment company to the consumer is proposed. Economic efficiency of the introduction of targeted advertising in the marketing activity of  company was proved in the article.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Petrova, «KROK» University

Doctor of sciences (Economics), professor, head of marketing and dehavioral economics

Yelyzaveta Loiko, «KROK» University



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How to Cite

Petrova, I., & Loiko, Y. (2022). METHODICAL APPROACH TO DEVELOPING THE ENTERPRISE MARKETING STRATEGY. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(65), 95–104.



Chapter 2. Management and administration