ecologization, harmonization, interests, stakeholders, agrobusinessAbstract
The activities of stakeholders in agribusiness are influenced by numerous exogenous and endogenous threats, the convergence of which in the new reality proves that among the known approaches to strengthening economic security is increasingly in demand harmonization approach, the concept of which involves environmental harmonization. vice versa. The concept of "protection" is based on the elimination and displacement of harmful relationships that arise in the process of activity and interaction with stakeholders through the use of legal, economic, social, organizational, ethical, etc. methods. Thus, the actualization of the scientific search for the navigational role of greening in reconciling the interests of agribusiness stakeholders is obvious. The dominance of ecologically oriented vision of economic security of agribusiness requires an appropriate methodological basis, based on which can / should be a synthetic concept of greening, the role of which in this context is insufficiently studied. The navigational role of greening as a field of aspect and cross-disciplinary category is becoming obvious, but so far little studied. The aim to deepen the theoretical foundations of safety by applying a harmonization approach to the greening of the coordination of the interests of agribusiness stakeholders. Research methods: structural-logical modeling, monitoring, analytical. Results: Reconciling the interests of agribusiness stakeholders is a complex process that can be both constructive and destructive, and therefore requires the use of special tools. Systematic, predictable, validity and efficiency are necessary for the greening of the coordination of the interests of agribusiness stakeholders. The obtained results require further scientific research on the impact of greening on the economic security of agribusiness stakeholders. Further scientific research may be in the field of assessing the consequences of systemic greening of the coordination of the interests of agribusiness stakeholders.
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