
  • Oleksandr Melnikov IT STEP University
  • Serhii Petrukha «KROK» University
  • Nina Petrukha Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture



rural areas, rural economy, agrarian sector, economic recovery, scientific research and development, fundamental and applied research, knowledge mathematization, information asymmetry


Prioritization of sustainable and comprehensive development of the village and agrarian sector of the economy objectively arises from the exceptional significance and irreplaceability of products manufactured by agriculture in human life activity, a need for recovery of peasantry as a master of land, bearer of moral and national culture subject to historic-economic context of rural economy stagnation, braking processes in implementing an agrarian reform of L. D. Kuchma, in particular, in terms of introducing a free agricultural land circulation model, reforming the NAAS of Ukraine, which shall establish trackers for recovery of rural economy, form an acceptability of the scientific sustainable development methodology for the agro-sector. In addition to sustainable and inclusive rural development, one of the basic conditions of socioeconomic ontogenesis of the rural economy is supporting agro-innovations. Purposeful stimulation of activity aimed at using and commercializing results of scientific research and developments causing an output of new competitive food into the market shall be used on the basis of their objective evaluation – today Ukraine is at the final stage of harmonization with the respective indicator basis of the OECD, in particular, with the Frascati Manual. In recent years, domestic researchers are more interested in institutional changes occurring in domestic science, opportunities to evaluate the results of scientific activity and approaches to its financing. Matters of the ratio of fundamental and applied knowledge in scientific studies, in general, and rural economy, in particular, remain unaddressed. Defining differences between fundamental and applied research is not a simple matter as it requires establishing unambiguous criteria, based on which such separation becomes possible. A traditional separation of sciences in fundamental and applied sciences is carried out in the context of the “theoretic-empiric” and “theoretic-practical” knowledge opposition, but, at the certain stage of development of the science of the fundamental character, applied sections are formed in it as a manifestation of a practical direction of development. Under modern conditions, most scientific disciplines generate both applied and fundamental knowledge concurrently that is well seen from an example with social sciences – philosophy, economics, history, linguistics etc. So, in the agro-economic science where it manifests the trends and patterns of the functioning of agro-economic systems, we deal with fundamental research, and when it provides recommendations on optimizing organization of labor and increasing in its productivity, we observe applied research. At the modern stage of integration of science, establishing new disciplines more often occurs at the junction of natural, technical and humanitarian sciences. A conducted analysis demonstrates how the fundamentalization of the science occurs, which – the science – at the first sight, is purely applied one. The aim of the article is the economic recovery of rural areas: the ratio of fundamental and applied aspects of research. This process consists in increasing in a share of its theoretical components, improving a notional and conceptual structure, building models of its development, identifying laws of its functioning and, as a consequence, in obtaining new methodological knowledge. Therefore, it is obvious that it is reasonable to address not a matter of a specific fundamental or applied science but of the respective dominant type of research, which prevails in one or the other sphere of scientific activities that is fully congruent with OECD’s approaches to this matter.


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Author Biographies

Oleksandr Melnikov, IT STEP University

Doctor of sciences (Economics), Professor

Serhii Petrukha, «KROK» University

PhD (Economics), associate professor of financial and economic security department

Nina Petrukha, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

PhD (Economics), associate professor of construction management department


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How to Cite

Melnikov, O., Petrukha, S., & Petrukha, N. (2021). ECONOMIC RURAL RECOVERY: RATIO OF FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 176–193.



Chapter 7. Entrepreneuship, trade and stock exchanges