
  • Viktor Mykhailov Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Mykola Andriienko Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • Petro Haman Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection



public administration and policy, modernization, trends, innovation policy


The question of the relationship between the state and the public in public life has historically always arisen and caused different theoretical views. Citizens' associations are always called to protect human interests, to fight against tyranny, the state "leviathan". However, it was not until the end of the twentieth century that public associations and organizations finally got rid of total state control and finally got rid of identification with the state. At the same time, forms of organized public participation in public administration have become peaceful. The aim of the article is to analyze global trends in public administration modernization: experience for Ukraine. After all, in the context of modern social and transformational processes, public organizations have reached a new level of relations with the state. Public administration is transformed into "public", which in turn is characterized by openness, transparency, broad involvement of civil society institutions in public administration processes. Currently, there is no single approach to determining the forms and methods of interaction between public authorities and the organized public. Scholars identify various forms of their interaction, such as information, consultation, public hearings, public examinations, advisory committees, public initiatives, public opinion monitoring, public representation on councils, education, round tables, public control, and more. The legislation defines the legal forms of interaction of public authorities with civil society institutions, namely: the participation of civil society institutions in law-making, law enforcement and law enforcement activities of the state.It should be noted that approaches to the classification of forms and methods of participation of civil society organizations in public administration are quite conditional and diverse. New forms of interaction between the state and the organized public do not cease to appear. The article analyzes the basic concepts of interaction. The world innovative mechanisms and management technologies are studied. The main stages of social partnership are systematized.


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Author Biographies

Viktor Mykhailov, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

PhD (Public administration), associate professor, deputy head of the Institute for research

Mykola Andriienko, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Doctor of science (Public administration), associate professor, lieutenant colonel of the civil defense service, head of the civil defense research center

Petro Haman, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Doctor of science (Public administration), professor, head of the department of protection measures


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How to Cite

Mykhailov, V., Andriienko, M., & Haman, P. (2021). GLOBAL TRENDS OF PUBLIC GOVERNANCE MODERNIZATION: EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 95–101.



Chapter 5. Рublic management and administration