a process, business process, logistic business, is a process, administrative business process, reengineering, conception of perfection of business processes, benchmarking, business process of the logistic system of warehousingAbstract
In the article the analysis of the systems of terms is conducted business process and logistic business process. It is set that business processin logistic activity is an aggregate of the successive, associate systematic carried out actions within the framework of realization of strategy of development, directed on forming and use of logistic potential during realization of transformations of financial stream with the purpose of creation of competitive services, able to satisfy external and internal users and provide the enterprise of achievement of strategic aims in the conditions of dynamic logistic environment. Certainly, that dominant now is conception of perfection of business process(Business Process Improvement), which is based on four approaches, directed on the increase of their productivity, efficiency and adapted: method of rapid analysis of decisions (FAST); бенчмаркінг; перепроектування (concentrated improvement); реінжиніринг business process (Business-process Reengineering). Summarizing opinions of different authors, a conclusion is formulated that reengineering, is the radical update of business processes in the context of acceleration of reaction of enterprise on changes in the requirements of users at the multiple cutting of costs of all of kinds, that takes a place at the terms of the concerted work of command of highly skilled, effectively explained, specialists, which develop and incarnate in activity of enterprise innovative and unusual ideas on the increase of level of competitiveness, optimization of logistic streams, growth of the productivity and quality of products and services, increase of satisfaction of clients. On the basis of analysis of front-rank practice, it is set that successful realization of reengineering of logistic бізнес-процесів of company provides for: optimization of sequence of logistic functions and operations, which is instrumental in reduction of duration of logistic cycles; optimization of volume of financial and financial charges; construction of flexible and adaptive processes in the logistic system; the clear distributing of functions and fixing of them is after responsible performers; optimization of co-operating with suppliers and users in the logistic system; co-ordination and synchronization of processes which are executed simultaneously. In the article it is conducted SWOT is an analysis of enterprise of LTD. «KHIMLABORREAKTIV» and audit of him logistic system. On the basis of the conducted logistic audit possibility of development, and introduction of project of reengineering, was made to order on this enterprise, creating a having a special purpose group with bringing in of command of specialists with experience of development and introduction of reengineering on analogical enterprises. It enabled to form and realize the algorithm of realization of strategy of reengineering business processin LTD. «KHIMLABORREAKTIV».
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