


project, project management, motivation, motivational mechanism, strategic management, motivational mechanism in project management


The article identifies and analyzes the priority factors that have a significant impact on the formation of a motivational mechanism for project management in strategically oriented enterprises. It is determined that well-selected staff and not just staff, but each employee is indispensable for the success of both the individual project and the enterprise as a whole, and if the company in today's highly competitive industry seeks to develop, it cannot afford dispersion in the selection staff and in motivating staff. It is established that since the focus of the development of the motivational mechanism of project management was a person, there is a need to analyze the motivational impact on staff during the project. It is also analyzed that the establishment of the main motives of the project team members, allows us to conclude that they all affect the effectiveness of strategic management of the enterprise as a whole. The article presents and argues the structuring of motivators and demotivators of the motivational mechanism of project management, which allows to summarize the main factors influencing the project team and increase the strategic activity of each project stakeholder. The article states that the key to the success of any company that implements the project approach will be to develop a management strategy in which actions in the company and its internal structure will be as consistent as possible with external conditions, and for this the company must develop such a motivational mechanism of project management, which will correspond to the system of strategic management of the enterprise as a whole.


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Author Biographies

О. І. Бєлова, «KROK» University

PhD (Economics), associate professor at project and process management department

Ю. А. Поскрипко, «KROK» University

PhD (Economics), associate professor at project and process management department


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How to Cite

Бєлова, О. І., & Поскрипко, Ю. А. (2020). MOTIVATIONAL MECHANISM IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT: STRATEGIC ASPECT. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (58), 75–81.



Chapter 5. Рublic management and administration