


quality, quality management, quality management of the enterprise, quality assurance, efficiency of the enterprise activity


 The article analyzes the list and analyzes definitions of the definition of "quality management". Since quality is usually considered as a combination of characteristics of an object, which testifies to its ability to satisfy identified and foreseeable needs, the author's definition of the concept of "quality management of the enterprise" is proposed in the following way: the system of management, aimed at planning, implementation, improvement and quality control of the enterprise in accordance with the established policy and objectives of the enterprise, with the participation of all its units. It has been determined that quality management covers some of the management functions aimed at achieving the goals in the field of quality, and the goals in the field of quality envisage the creation of conditions in the enterprise in which it is possible to control, regulate the quality, ensure compliance with the accepted requirements and flexibly change the established requirements. The analysis of approaches to the definition of the essence of quality management, which includes the following: private, social, normative, economic, managerial. It has been established that in the formulation of the concept of "quality management" the participation of all levels of management, dynamic implementation and improvement, all areas of the enterprise's activity, the need for planning and control, and the development of policies and goals should be taken into account. The analysis of aspects of management of the quality of the enterprise activity is carried out: the key characteristics of general, economic, technical and managerial aspects are distinguished. The internal and external role of quality management of the enterprise activity is determined. The main achievements and conclusions of the founders of the concept of quality management of the enterprise, which are relevant up to now, are analyzed.


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Author Biographies

О. Б. Данченко, «KROK» University

doctor of technical sciences, professor of business administration and project management, head of the department of business administration and project management

О. І. Бєлова, «KROK» University

PhD, associate professor department of  business administration and project management 

Х. М. Сафар, «KROK» University

Ph.D. student, department of business administration and project management


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How to Cite

Данченко, О. Б., Бєлова, О. І., & Сафар, Х. М. (2019). GENERAL ASPECTS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN TRADING COMPANIES. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (54), 169–175.



Chapter 6. Management and administration