government, tools, banking system, risk management, risk map, risk identification, risk management systemAbstract
The importance of analyzing the crisis of the banking system stems not only from the features of the functioning of the banking system, but also from its importance both to the economy and the financial system of the state as a whole, and directly to each of its subjects. Therefore, there is an acute problem, firstly, of high-quality diagnostics of the banking system, prediction of possible crises and minimization of their negative consequences for each subject of economic relations, in order to guarantee the country's economic security, and secondly, the definition of the role of state bodies in this process, taking into account significant level of state regulation of the banking system. It is impossible to predict or predict the crisis of the banking system, identify the necessary tools and develop any anti-crisis program without a qualitative detailed study of the nature and essence of the crisis, its characteristics, features of manifestations and parameters. The risk map helps to reduce the potential losses associated with the implementation of bank risks. Integrated risk management system requires systematic and consistent, only in this case it will give the desired effect. The work of this system should be based on the experience gained and be extremely flexible, the system must respond to all changes occurring both within and outside the bank itself. With the help of a risk map, banks will be able to see the probability of occurrence of certain risks and pay attention to losses that may result from the risks inherent in the bank, and thus will enable to form a system of measures to minimize, avoid or compensate for the impact of risks on the results of the bank . After all, a quality system of risk management serves not only the interests of shareholders and management, but also ensures the establishment of reliable and long-term relationships with customers and will form a favorable image of the bank. Proper risk management should play a pivotal role in the activities of banks, therefore, the risk map we have developed for the bank, will help to assess and understand the financial risks, and will enable the management of the bank to see the totality of risks and the degree of danger of their occurrence.
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