Fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, conditions for the exit of Ukraine's energy sector to external markets, Khmelnytskyi NPP, ENTSO-E European gridAbstract
The article analyzes the ways of improving the functioning of the domestic energy market in the conditions of entering the external markets. Ukraine's fuel and energy complex has a strong export potential, the effective use of which is extremely important for the development of the state's economy. At the same time, the industry today has extremely important problems, namely: outdated equipment, backward technologies, lack of strong investments, limited access to the European market. The regulatory legal framework established in Ukraine for the exit of the domestic energy market into foreign markets is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the main document regulating this activity, namely the Law of Ukraine "On Electricity". It is this legislative act that specifies the features of electricity export in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the State Enterprise NPC "Ukrenergo" is an important player in the energy market of Ukraine. In June 2017, Ukrenergo signed with the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) an Agreement “On the Conditions for the Future Consolidation of Power Systems of Ukraine and Moldova with the Energy System of Europe” for the period up to 2025. It is shown that since the beginning of the 2000s Ukraine supplied electricity to Europe through “Burshtyn Island”. This was made possible by disconnecting from the united Ukrainian networks and synchronizing of the part of the electrical grids with the European grid. The island includes Burshtynska TPP, Klushska CHP and Tereblia-Rikska HPP; the general capacity of which is 2500 MWth. Particular attention is paid to the prospect of the involvement of the Khmelnytskyi NPP in this plan of generation. It is noted that in August 2017 the Consortium of international companies "EDF Trading, Westinghause, Polenergia International" submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine the feasibility study for the Energy Bridge "Ukraine-European Union" project. It is emphasized that this is the first such proposal of public-private partnership not only in the energy sector of Ukraine, but also at the international-state level. The proposed project opens up new horizons both for the energy sector and for increasing the geopolitical importance of Ukraine in Central Europe.
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