management, investments, innovations, investment support, innovation support, enterprises in the field of information technology, Investment and innovation supportAbstract
The article studies the essence of the processes of management of investment and innovation support of enterprises. The relevance of the topic lies in the need to study the essence of the processes of management of investment and innovation support of enterprises, since the implementation of innovation activities that ensure the appropriate development of the enterprise depends on the possibilities of attracting and the sufficiency of the financial, investment and innovation resources necessary for this in the form of financial, investment capital; created, attracted or received technologies, machinery, equipment; intellectual intangible assets; material resources and human resources of appropriate qualifications, competence, capable of effectively using these resources, planning, implementing innovation processes and generally managing innovations.
The article is aimed at studying the essence of the processes of management of investment and innovation support of enterprises.
The methodological basis of the study was the methods of analysis and synthesis, observation, comparison; systemic, resource, historical, complex, logical-dialectical methodological approaches.
The scientific results obtained consist in the study of the essence and management of investment and innovation activities, ensuring the growth of enterprises on the basis of the implementation of investment and innovation projects, which requires effective changes in the structure of enterprise management and the use of a wide range of approaches, management methods and their tools in the functional areas of investment innovation management, a combination of the traditional management system and innovations, application of project management methodologies, increasing flexibility, efficiency of resource management and strengthening of resource capacity, implementation of risk management tools and the possibility of timely change management in enterprise management.
Prospects for further research are to determine the factors of success of investment and innovation activities, where the most significant components of the readiness of enterprises to implement changes are the availability of their own financial resources for the implementation of such activities, the real possibility of attracting investment resources from external sources for the implementation of investment and innovation activities, the availability of investors and their interest in investing and the formation and development of environment, market, infrastructure of innovation activity for the interaction of all participants in investment and innovation processes.
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