


uncertainty, situations of uncertainty, tolerance to uncertainty, decision-making


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the terms uncertainty and situations of uncertainty. It is emphasized that the majority of Ukrainian authors consider such situations characterized by novelty, riskiness, incompleteness or contradictory information as uncertain, which does not allow an individual to be sure of the future, predict and plan it with a high percentage of probability. It is also noted that there are several types of attitude towards uncertainty - tolerant and intolerant. The latter allows considering uncertainty as an integral part of life, as an opportunity to find new solutions and opportunities. It is this attitude that contributes to a person's psychological well-being. If we are talking about a business manager, it is noted that a leader who is tolerant of uncertainty looks for situations of uncertainty because he sees opportunities for development in them. In accordance with the main goal of the article – to compare situations of uncertainty in peacetime and wartime, the main differences of these situations are determined. Thus, situations of uncertainty in peacetime can be considered more predictable and less new, since events in people's lives have the ability to repeat themselves, allowing them to accumulate experience of behavior in different situations. Even if a situation does not repeat itself completely in the same way, a person can apply knowledge by analogy to solve it – according to the experience of living in a similar situation. The experience of living in war is unique, because war is such a phenomenon that someone might not encounter at all in his entire life. And therefore, has absolutely no experience and patterns of actions in situations of uncertainty caused by war. The degree of danger of uncertain situations in peacetime and wartime also differs. During the war, the highest social values are under direct threat – human life, health, honor and dignity.


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Author Biography

Hаnna Skliarova, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Psychology Department. “KROK” University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Skliarova, H. (2024). TO THE QUESTION OF SITUATIONS OF UNCERTAINTY IN PEACETIME AND WARTIME. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(75), 254–258.