



environmental risk, conceptual framework, environment, risk assessment, ecological development


Environmental risk is a key concept in the context of preserving the natural environment and human health. This article is devoted to the analysis of modern views on environmental risk from the point of view of its conceptual basis. It examines the definition and components of environmental risk, identifies the factors influencing its formation, and highlights the importance of understanding this concept for the development of effective environmental management strategies. It was determined that environmental risk is an integral part of the modern world, which is faced with the growth of industrial activity, environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate change. Understanding the concept of environmental risk is important for the development and implementation of effective strategies for managing natural resources and ensuring the sustainable development of society. It is proven that the definition of ecological risk consists in identifying the probability of negative consequences for ecosystems, human health and natural resources as a result of the action of anthropogenic factors. This risk consists of two main components: the probability of occurrence of undesirable events and possible consequences. Factors affecting environmental risk include industrial activity, chemical use, land use change, population growth, and others.The modern view of the concept of environmental risk involves a comprehensive approach to the analysis and assessment of risks, including taking into account scientific data, socio-economic factors and global trends. Understanding the concept of environmental risk allows you to identify potential threats, determine priorities in the field of nature protection, and develop science-based strategies and policies for their management. In connection with the strengthening of anthropogenic influence on the natural environment and the growth of the world population, the issue of environmental risk is becoming extremely relevant. The study of this concept in the context of modern challenges makes it possible to develop scientifically based solutions and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources for future generations.


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Author Biographies

Vadym Churylin, “KROK” University

Postgraduate student, “KROK” University, Kyiv

Leonid Vitkin, “KROK” University

Doctor of science (Engineering), Professor, Professor of management technologies department, “KROK” University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Churylin, V., & Vitkin, L. (2024). A MODERN VIEW OF THE CONCEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISK: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(74), 198–203. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2024-74-198-203



Chapter 2. Management and administration