management system, management decision, performance, assessment, health care institutionAbstract
The article discusses the managerial decision and its role for the management of a health care institution. It is noted that the efficiency of functioning of institutions and the timeliness of tasks depends on the effectiveness of the implementation of managerial decisions. A definition of the concept of «effectiveness of managerial decision» has been formulated. It is determined that at this point in time there are no calculation formulas for calculating the effectiveness of managerial decisions, algorithms, procedures and recommendations for implementation calculations of the effectiveness of the implementation of management decisions. It is proposed to use a generalizing relative indicator to assess the effectiveness of managerial decisions. It takes into account the specifics of the implementation of managerial decisions in health care institutions and the division of their types according to functional and phase characteristics. For practical calculations of numerical values of the generalizing relative indicator of the effectiveness of managerial decisions, a procedure for the sequence of performing the necessary calculations has been developed. The practicality and feasibility of using the proposed indicator and the corresponding procedure are proved by calculations on the example of a typical phase of supply of medicines to a health care institution. The article states that the generalized relative indicator of the effectiveness of the implementation of managerial decisions can be used as an indicator for monitoring the implementation of the adopted managerial decisions in all medical institutions. It is noted that the use of the generalizing indicator for practical calculations does not require special mathematical training from the heads of health care institutions. This indicator is informative and useful for a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of management decisions made in health care institutions. It is stated that the use of the proposed algorithm for the development and implementation of managerial decisions in a health care institution will enable the management to reduce the time for making and implementing each managerial decision. This option will allow healthcare institutions to increase the efficiency of management in the selected market segment.Downloads
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