


financial state, financial indicators, management, system, bankruptcy, rehabilitation, strategic management


The article is a study of the problems of managing the financial state of the enterprise in the system of strategic management. The study focuses on the study of the influence of the financial state on the formulation of strategic goals and the adoption of effective management decisions. The role of the main groups of indicators characterizing the company's financial condition, the order of their calculation and their relationship is determined. It is substantiated that based on the assessment of the available resources of the enterprise, the company has the opportunity to develop strategic plans for its development. In addition, in the process of research, a separate important role of indicators of the financial state of the enterprise during its functioning in crisis situations and the possibility of implementing strategic directions of development in conditions of economic instability were determined. When highlighting modern approaches to strategic management, additional attention is paid to the integration of financial analysis into the process of strategic decision-making. The article discusses the key factors of managing the company's finances, including determining the break-even level, conducting PEST and SWOT analyses, methods of identifying key risks and opportunities for development. The importance of conducting a detailed and in-depth analysis of the financial state of the enterprise for the development of strategic directions for its development, especially in the context of anti-crisis management and financial rehabilitation, is revealed. The study showed that adequate financial planning and management are important factors for ensuring long-term success and sustainability of entrepreneurial activity in modern conditions. The conclusions of the article reinforce the idea of the need for a complex approach to managing the financial state of the enterprise as an important component of strategic management, and also emphasize the importance of integrating financial analysis into the strategic planning system to achieve higher efficiency and competitiveness.


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Author Biographies

Olha Chumachenko, KROK University

PhD, Associate professor, Associate professor of National Economy and Finance Department, KROK University, Kyiv

Svitlana Pletenetska, KROK University

PhD, Associate professor, Associate professor of National Economy and Finance Department

Tetyana Antonets, KROK University

Postgraduate student, KROK University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Chumachenko, O., Pletenetska, S., & Antonets, T. (2024). FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISES WITHIN THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(73), 54–65.